Starting with the basics

Understanding the body is what is most important, one needs to understand the body first before you can actually transform yourself into what you want to be. 


Your body is constructed out of:

  • mind (Belief system/thoughts), 
  • the actual body (Digestive system) 
  •  and your heart/soul (Emotions). 


  • Sometimes we gain weight because of our minds – Negative belief systems that we were taught about what we can’t achieve, for example: Your sibling or parent or anyone constantly told you that you will never be thin or beautiful or will never lose weight, you believe this now so you wonder why even try? 


  • At times we gain weight because of an organ within our bodies or digestive system that does not function properly anymore which is diagnosed by professionals where help is then given.


  • The most common weight gain is emotional eating, matters of the heart, stresses, relationships we struggle to face or overcome. 

All of the above that I mentioned in truth flows into one another. Healthy body equals a healthy mind. 



The first step:

Get positive about losing weight and become determined to lose it, visualize in your mind exactly how you want to look and wake up with that vision every morning and take one day at a time. 


The second step:

Acknowledge the problem, take time to sit and understand what the cause is for your weight gain, is it negative belief systems, a physical problem or emotional baggage? By admitting the problem, you can start overcoming the obstacles and begin losing weight. 


Remember that weight loss is not just a physical transformation but also a mental and emotional experience to not just shed the pounds, but to also shed the emotions of the past. 

There is a brilliant book called: “Losing your Pounds of Pain” by Doreen Virtue PHD and another called: "Weightloss starts with your mind" by Leon Keith Gilbert to read more about the psychological and emotional aspects of losing the emotions and pain that have been preventing you from losing the weight.


We have a Facebook group called Slender Trenders that you can join to share your fears and experiences about weight loss to get all of the emotional support that you need to reach your goals and your dreams. 


Stay positive, stay motivated and think only beautiful and positive thoughts. 


Love Always 


Marilette Barbara van Heerden 


Michele Reynolds 

"The body achieves what the mind believes."


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